Stay Golden Anklet Set

The #taudsquad is dedicating our 2018 Breast Cancer Awareness efforts to Aimet Arenas, a beautiful and fashion-forward (her blog is allthingsaime.com) Miami local currently fighting the disease at the young age of 29. 

She worked with the #taudquad to help design our 2018 Breast Cancer Awareness Collection, and we're humbled to use our pretties in such a special manner.

Read on to learn more about Aimet and her inspiring journey. 


Tell us a little about yourself. 

Hi! My name is Aimet and I'm 29 years old. I was born in Cuba and moved to Miami at the age of 13. I've been with my now hubby for 10 years and love him more than ever. He’s surely proven to be a keeper throughout this journey! I began my blog, All Things Aime, a few years ago, as a way of documenting my love for fashion and travel. It serves as my creative outlet and I love every minute of it. Outside of my blogging work, I also have a full-time job working with an accounting firm--even though I studied social work! But I do love my job and look forward to returning to work as soon as possible. For now, I'm spending my days documenting my journey with breast cancer and redecorating my tiny apartment!


Tell us about your Breast Cancer diagnosis. 

It was July 3, 2018 when I was diagnosed with stage two, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma in my right breast. Earlier in the summer, I told a friend I had discovered a lump near my areola, but I didn’t pay much attention to it or a few other changes that were happening, like an inverted nipple, inflammation and darkened areola. That is until I woke up one morning in extreme pain. It felt as if someone was pulling on my breast from the inside. I will never forget the pain. It was a Sunday. And by Monday morning, I was at the doctor's office. He recommended an ultrasound but told me that because I was "so young” he doubted it would be anything bad. When the ultrasound came back abnormal, I felt it in my heart. I knew. I knew I had cancer and that I was about to embark on the most challenging journey of my life.


Where are you now in your breast cancer journey? 

I have an extensive history of cancer in my family. I lost my brother at age 19, my mother at 13, my uncle when I was just two years old and I never got to meet my grandmother as she passed before I was born. So when I was diagnosed, I knew I had to make a radical decision if I wanted to survive. Although my cancer had not spread and was relatively small, I opted for a bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction, mainly because I wanted to minimize my chances of recurrence. For now, I have completed the breast expansion process and am awaiting surgery to finalize my breast reconstruction.


How do you stay so positive? 

I owe my strength to Jesus. I am strong in my faith and know he's been by my side every step of the way. My husband is also my rock. He helps me stay calm and focus on the positive. I've been blessed with a huge support system and have never felt so much love and support. I've also done a lot of research and try to stay educated and understand that everyone’s journey is different. Just because someone had an infection doesn’t mean I will have one too. I always tell myself, “it can be worse.” And when you imagine yourself in a worst position than you are in, you realize that your current situation isn't so bad after all.


What would you like to say to other fighters out there?

Have FAITH and FIGHT!!!!! The only battles won are those which are fought!


What would you to say to all women, with regards to checking for breast cancer and early detection?

Check yourselves! You are never too young for cancer! It sounds "basic" but it’s truly the only way. Some women are so scared to find out but the truth is, the earlier the discovery is made, the better! I am so grateful for the pain I felt that Sunday night. Without it, I likely would have continued to ignore my lump and my journey would look completely different!


What have you learned from your journey? 

There are so many things you learn when you go through something like this. You learn who really is there for you and who isn’t. You learn to appreciate every single little thing. From a sunny day, to a hug, to a smile, to a text, a phone call. My point of view has completely changed. I'm so grateful for being alive another day and for having the strength to fight. This might sound funny, but I've also learned to relax! Before, I was always running around and would never allow myself to simply do nothing. I've learned that it is ok to do nothing and to rest when my body needs it.


Any self-care tips? 

Yes, this is so important! I've been splurging on good, spa-like mani/pedis! This is the time I take out for myself to do something that I enjoy and makes me happy. They make me feel brand new!


What role do you think fashion plays in spreading awareness of Breast Cancer and supporting fighter/survivors?

Fashion is such a big part of this journey for me ! I made it my goal to dress up to every appointment. I want to inspire people to look good even in the worst situations because I truly believe doing so gives you confidence and makes you feel better. And, I believe fashion starts conversations, and conversations lead to actions!


Tell us about your mantra of "faith fight win."

I believe that we must go into a battle KNOWING that we are going to win. And that, is faith. I'm not hoping to win this battle. I'm going to win this battle. In my book, without faith you can’t fight, and if you can’t fight, you can't win! 

I have FAITH, so I am going to FIGHT and I am going to WIN!


What is your favorite piece from the Taudrey BCA collection and why?

This collection is so special to me, so picking just one piece is hard. But if I must, I'll choose the Faith Fight Win Ring Stack


