“Have a little fé" is one of the affirmations the #taudsquad lives by. We truly want our jewelry to have meaning, spread joy, and symbolize the goodness in the world. Whether you are religious or spiritual, we’ve got you covered with four pretties that serve as sacred reminders to be kind, send good vibes, and always focus on the positive.
Guardian Angel Necklace
Kelly Saks worked with the #taudsquad to bring her guardian angel, abuela Maria’s, necklace to life. Wear this pretty and have your guardian angel near your heart and soul.
Perfectly Imperfect Necklace
Abby Green started Put on Kindness on Instagram for all things fashion, faith, and lifestyle. The hammered disc on the Perfectly Imperfect Necklace symbolizes how she used to struggle with perfectionism and always wanted her life to be perceived as perfect. However, over the years she learned that life doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful.
Keep the Faith Necklace
For Tenley Leopold, faith always comes first and designed the Keep the Faith Necklace to serve as a sweet representation of her strong faith. Wear this shiny stunner as symbol to be kind!
Full of Grace Wrap Rosary Bracelet
The Full of Grace Wrap Rosary Bracelet was designed with Jenise Subervi and inspired by her faith and love for all things pearls and personalized. From its functional use and the beautiful pearls that wrap around your wrist; this bracelet is a perfect reminder of daily prayer.
Spread love. Spread positivity. Be kind and wear pretty jewelry.
Written by: Daniela Castañeda